Here I am experiencing Bloglines for the first time!
I didn't know that such an interesting tool existed, I should have known it before spending hours and hours looking for "what's new" in the websites I usually look at!!!
However, here I am, I know it, and I intend to learn using it as much as possible!
That's absolutely great!
I didn't know that such an interesting tool existed, I should have known it before spending hours and hours looking for "what's new" in the websites I usually look at!!!
However, here I am, I know it, and I intend to learn using it as much as possible!
That's absolutely great!
I get really surprised each time I come into contact with all these new tools provided by the Internet, and I feel very upset because I realize myself being completely "outside of the world of Information Technology"!
However, that's amazing to see how technology can make our life easier!
I quicky had a look at the section "About" in the main page of the Bloglines website, and I would like to quote a couple of sentences in order to explain in little details what Bloglines is:
However, that's amazing to see how technology can make our life easier!
I quicky had a look at the section "About" in the main page of the Bloglines website, and I would like to quote a couple of sentences in order to explain in little details what Bloglines is:
"Bloglines is a FREE online service for searching, subscribing, creating and sharing news feeds, blogs and rich web content."
"Bloglines is a window to a whole new world of dynamic content that is being created and distributed over the new "live" web. You can make your own personalized news page tailored to your unique interests..."
" Bloglines allows you to search for, read and share any updates from your favorite news feed or blog..."
Bloglines is very useful in order to be always informed on what's happening in your favourite blogs or forums, and though now I'm focusing on our English course blogs, it is great to have the opportunity of getting all the new posts directly just clicking on one single website!
However, I'm sure I'll subscribe also to the feeds of the blogs I usually visit for my own interest!
For the "ignorant" as I am about the blogosphere and its vocabulary , here's a definition of some of the new concepts we've come into contact during last few weeks:
FEED: A web feed is a data format used for providing users with frequently updated content. Content distributors syndicate a web feed, thereby allowing users to subscribe to it. Making a collection of web feeds accessible in one spot is known as aggregation, which is performed by an Internet aggregator. A web feed is also sometimes referred to as a syndicated feed. (Wikipedia)
FEED AGGREGATOR: In computing, a feed aggregator, also known as a feed reader or simply as an aggregator, is client software or a Web application which aggregates syndicated web content such as news headlines, blogs, podcasts, and vlogs in a single location for easy viewing. (Wikipedia)
PODCAST: A podcast is a digital media file, or a related collection of such files, which is distributed over the
Internet using syndication feeds for playback on portable media players and personal computers. Though podcasters' web sites may also offer direct download or streaming of their content, a podcast is distinguished from other digital media formats by its ability to be syndicated, subscribed to, and downloaded automatically when new content is added, using an aggregator or feed reader capable of reading feed formats such as RSS or Atom. (Wikipedia)
ATOM: The name Atom applies to a pair of related standards. The Atom Syndication Format is an XML language used for web feeds, while the Atom Publishing Protocol (APP is the acronym, but it is referred to as 'AtomPub' for short) is a simple HTTP-based protocol for creating and updating Web resources.
Web feeds allow software programs to check for updates published on a web site. To provide a web feed, a site owner may use specialized software (such as a content management system) that publishes a list (or "feed") of recent articles or content in a standardized, machine-readable format. The feed can then be downloaded by web sites that syndicate content from the feed, or by feed reader programs that allow Internet users to subscribe to feeds and view their content. (Wikipedia)
Web feeds allow software programs to check for updates published on a web site. To provide a web feed, a site owner may use specialized software (such as a content management system) that publishes a list (or "feed") of recent articles or content in a standardized, machine-readable format. The feed can then be downloaded by web sites that syndicate content from the feed, or by feed reader programs that allow Internet users to subscribe to feeds and view their content. (Wikipedia)
BLOGLINE: Bloglines is a web-based news aggregator for browsing weblogs and other news feeds via syndicated feeds utilizing technologies such as Really Simple Syndication and ATOM. Unlike other feed readers that download posts directly to one's device, Bloglines is a server-side aggregation system, where blog entries are downloaded and updated on the server on a frequent basis. (Wikipedia)
That's all for the moment, hope you find my post interesting!!
6 commenti:
Hi Camilla!
I’ve just read your comment on my post…Thank you for your suggestions! I’m very glad that you like my style, and this fact repay me for all the time I spent writing that post! :-)I appreciate that you are frank with me; your corrections improve my English! For this reason, don’t hesitate to correct my mistakes!
As far as your post is concerned, I think that your written English is good! I like colours and I appreciated the fact that you used two colours to distinguish your considerations from quotations.
I would like to suggest you to have a look to these two sentences:
- “I would like to quote a couple of sentences in order to explain in little details what Bloglines is”. Here I would have used “in detail” instead of “in little details”. However, it's just my opinion!
- “…its vocabulary , here's a definition…”. Remember to avoid putting a space before a comma. I’m sure it’s only a typing mistake!
Finally, as you already pointed out in your comment on my post, it would be better if you explained the concepts using your words and writing a short summary of the main definitions, rather than quoting them.
I hope that my suggestion might be useful to you!
Job well done!
Hi Camilla,
Here I am! How are you?
First of all, now that I am getting to know you better and better, I’d like to tell you how much the way you write in your blog reflects the way you speak and, thus, your personality.
I’d start with two quotes from your blog: in the post ‘Language’ you wrote: “A blog is a free “place” where to express oneself” and in a comment about register you wrote: “Basically, the point is to express our personal style, whereas Academic English should be impersonal!”. Well, I completely agree with these statements.
What is more, I think that, through your style, you are really expressing yourself. Let’s take, for instance, this quote from your post: “However, here I am, I know it, and I intend to learn using it as much as possible!” Isn’t this your personal style? Of course! That's absolutely you! Imagine that while reading your post, it was like listening to you when we talk together at lesson on Monday!
I like the way you speak and write colloquial English a lot because you are always very concise but effective; you always focus a subject and your contributions are extremely concrete and relevant. Your English, in this way, sounds very natural!
As regards Bloglines, we are of the same opinion: it’s so useful to quickly check if we have news from our favourite websites, forums, blogs,... I am really happy to know about it, especially now that I’m a blogger! Besides, I have broadband connection, so I’ll always be looking for new blogs and websites to be added to my playlists!
Ah! Do you know that if you subscribe to your blog you can know how many subscribers you have to it! That’s quite interesting! Isn’t it?
In your comment you asked me to review your post. I’ll do it with pleasure, and I hope to give you some useful tips:
- as far as the layout is concerned, I’d suggest you to use bigger characters and avoid too much fluorescent colours for long stretches of texts because that can tire the reader out.
- As to grammar, your post is very correct and well written; just two or three points to improve your work:
1. a semicolon, not a comma, must be used between two independent clauses which are not joined by a coordinating conjunction: “I didn't know that such an interesting tool existed; I should have known it…”
2. I’m not sure about the use of ‘to realize’ as a reflexive verb; I know it is a transitive verb.
3. As Veronica has told you, it’s incorrect to say ‘to explain sth in little details’; you should say ‘to explain sth in detail’ because, in this context, ‘detail’ is uncountable and means ‘all the separate features and pieces of information about something’ (Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English). Ex.: He described the process in detail (=using a lot of details)
4. You should use the definite article with the expression ‘during last few weeks’: ‘the last/next few…’. Ex.: The office has been closed for the last few days (Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English).
Hope to have been clear enough!
For any queries, I’m at your disposal!
Hi Camilla!
How are you? Thank you for you very detailed post! You gave us so much information about terms and new words. Now, I clearly know what feeds, feed aggregators, podcasts, atoms, bloglines are.
Maybe, as Veronica said, you could have explained the concepts using your own words and writing a short summary of the main definitions, rather than quoting them. Or even, you could have simply put a link. Anyway, thanks for all the definitions! I appreciated your work!
I do like your effective style and the way you manage to talk about everything in a very informal way. That’s nice!
I agree with Elena and I think her corrections are right. I must say that Elena was very professional at giving you very helpful pieces of advice. Honestly, it’d be difficult for me to do such a work! However, I’ll try to give my peers a very precise feedback!
I hope Elena will be so nice to correct my many mistakes, as well. =)
See you soon!
Hi Camilla!
Thank you so much for your helpful corrections and for your suggestions as well. Even though I always check my posts before publishing and I read them out loud, I always make some stupid mistakes. That’s very irritating!
Anyway, thank you so much for correcting me!
Huge kiss!
Hi Camilla!
I found your post really interesting and useful, as it gives a lot of explanations about what an aggregator is and there are all the definitions of the terms one needs to understand how to use this helpful tool. To write such definitions, you used Wikipedia, that I think is a very helpful tool as well. I learnt about it last year, and since then I use it every time I need to know something about terms or people.
Like you, I didn't know that aggregators existed, and when I learnt how to use Bloglines at the lab last Wednesday I was surprised and thoght "How much time did I have lost until now???". When I read your impressions about Bloglines, I identified with you, because we had almost the same reactions about the usefulness of aggregators.
Hi Camilla,
I really enjoyed reading your post. First of all, I appreciated the fact that you put the definitions of the words we used in class. Many people left the room wondering what a feed actually was!
The fact that you put these definitions shows your interest in this tool! And I could learn something new!
However, as your peers have already said, I do think that you could write these definitions in your own words. I know, it's not very easy. It took me a lot to do it in my post! Anyway, you really did a good job!
Elena has already given you some useful tips in order to improve your grammar. I really appreciated her comments! Therefore, I won't be repetitive. However, I'd like to point out a spelling mistake: you wrote "quicky" instead of "quickly". Before sending a post remember to check your work. You can use a spell-check! There are many on-line spell check. I suggest you to use this one: www.spellcheck.net.
see you tomorrow,
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