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Here I am thinking about the topic I would like to develop for the final project..
...there are mainly two things I would be interested in working on, such as the working policies for young people and health care.
The first topic is obviously something which we are very interested in, given the fact that we'll be looking for a job at least in a year...so that I would like to compare the working policies for young people in the US and here in Italy, in order to see the differences and the similarities.
Secondly, I would be interested in discussing the issue of health care, which I think is a problem of great importance in the US: I would really like to know something more about it.
That is all for the moment...I hope we'll find a compromise as a group and focus on a topic we are all interested in!
2 commenti:
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Hi Camilla,
I've just read that group 1 is working on the same topic we chose. i have an idea: what if we write about joung people and their problems in both countries? Anyway, we'll talk about it tomorrow.
Have a nice Sunday too.
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